Friday, 20 September 2019

Now the Broadcast of Devotional Content Can Reach More People Around the World

The benefits of live streaming devotional Worships throughout the world have been discussed previously. Live Streaming Sermons have myriad advantages like cost efficiency but are energy-consuming. They require plenty of preparation and equipment to carry out to perfection. If needed to be carried out at a large scale, Live streaming would demand a lot of manpower too.

Devotional Organizations, since they have plenty of content to share with the world, might find it difficult to prepare for the live stream every single team there is a sermon or worship. Live streaming works best for a few special occasions over a while. But when there is massive content that would require broadcast all day, live streaming would not suffice.
Another alternative that exists is to buy space on a network and promote the content 24×7. But this would be possible only for the Temples or Churches that can afford such high maintenance which is few. And even if that were possible, in this age of streaming over the internet, Satellite’s reach is constricted to a few regions within the country. While live streaming is the solution to this problem, as discussed before, live streaming consumes resources and requires energy that makes it impossible to stream all the time.
Freedocast Cloud Playout solutions come as a solution to this problem since the cloud playout software helps the content developers and providers to upload their content, create and manage playlists, and broadcast it 24×7 on OTT platforms and other websites. As this is not geo-restricted, the content reach will be maximized while being cost-efficient and energy conserving. Since the cloud broadcasting also comprises of features Graphics, Branding, etc., it would be beneficial to the content providers to edit the content or let their name heard till far.
Content provision through Freedocast Cloud Playout solutions is like running a full-time channel without the drudgery of buying servers, maintaining them, etc. The entire job of broadcasting the sermons, worship, choir practices, etc., can be maintained by one or two individuals alone. While Streaming Devotional content is more about spreading the message than monetizing it, the content can be allowed to broadcast for free until it reaches a certain number of audiences. Since monetization will be automatic from that point, that could be reinvested into making more content.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Improve your Reach/Revenue through Freedocast Cloud Playout Solutions

Content Creators that have been using Youtube for a while are aware of the importance of sharing the content on various platforms. But with the increased number of content delivery platforms and online channels that allow streaming of content from a single organization in a loop, sticking to a single platform proves to be inadequate if business augmentation is on the mind.

While there is a wide range of possibility in the present methods, there must be an upgrade in how we provide our content depending on the technology available. Content provision through websites and social media platforms is being done for many years and the profitability through this is more than adequate. After a while, Live streaming has brought upon an upgrade in this process increasing the audience reach by multifold.
With Live streaming, there were plenty of features that came into existence like Live Branding and simultaneous sharing on multiple platforms which enhanced the profitability of the technique. Live Streaming and sharing created the possibility of running ads on your content on various platforms generate more revenue than running it on a single website. Even the recorded videos of the live stream can generate revenue when shared on various platforms.
While these are techniques that are in usage currently, another form of the solution has been developed by the Freedocast Team with the name Cloud Playout Solutions. It offers content creators (independent and organizations), be it Youtubers, or ardent users of any other platform, a chance to create a channel and make it live on any OTT platforms or other desired destinations.
All one needs is abundant content to share on their channel. Freedocast Cloud playout software allows the creators to upload the content, create playlists and manage them, features to add graphics, tickers, etc., and the power of program scheduling. There is also a provision to switch between live and scheduled playlists, which can drive traffic to your live streams along with the channel.
As OTT platforms constantly require content, independent creators can come into agreement to provide their content which in turn can generate even more revenue. And the process can improve the reach since OTT platforms comprise more users than individual creators.
Even for small to medium-sized organizations thriving in content creation can use this cloud broadcast software to gather a new audience. Since content would already be available, all they would require is a channel to run their content 24×7. Freedocast’s cloud broadcast software allows channel creation and cloud-based tv broadcasting that can be streamed through OTT platforms that are accessed by more audience.
How can this be Beneficial?
Online channels are in demand currently and with the right content they can be a huge source of revenue. Many individual OTT platforms have come up recently profiting from this requirement. If an independent creator or an organization can offer content on a single platform and make it available for millions of audiences across the world, it can drive traffic to the website, increase sales, or market his products more effectively. Even live streamers can benefit from this option since the offline content can, in turn, drive traffic to the live streams.

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

How Freedocast Cloud Playout Solutions can be a Game Changer for Content Creators

Live streaming provided a great opportunity for the content providers to reach the entire world audience with just a laptop. With plenty of streaming sites that offer space, CDNs, streaming solutions, and other options to create and deliver the content online, content creators have had plenty of business opportunities opened up with this line of technology.

Taking that ease into its next level, Freedocast is offering its cloud playout platform to assist the content creators to deliver the content nonstop. Planning a live stream takes up plenty of time and energy with unguaranteed results. The recorded video though can be used later is not a solution if there isn’t a right platform to play it in. Social media pages are only as useful as the freshness of the content because social media always displays fresh content on the top.

With the world’s shift into streaming, there is already in the decline off tv viewership all around the world. Most of the recent movies, Television series, or other popular video content are gaining better viewership from streaming than from broadcast. This shift is going to explode soon crushing the broadcast industry with it. All the major content creators are creating their own streaming services to stream their content along with broadcasting online.
This shift though time and energy-consuming is a bit easier for the bigger organizations because of their resources. But for the independent creators, hiring developers, developing platforms, CDNs, and other relevant tasks require too much which seems practically impossible without raising funding. Easing this shift Freedocast has already developed a live streaming device that allowed creators to stream content in HD from anywhere in the world.
Stepping ahead of the constraints, it has now created a platform that enables the creators to stream unlimited content (recorded or live) 24×7. With Freedocast’s cloud playout solutions, creators can directly upload their content on to the Freedocast platform and run their own 24×7 channel online. The platform allows media management playout and live switch to switch between live and recorded content whenever it is necessary. Content Creators can run a full-fledged online channel with minimal work and maximum results.
Freedocast Cloud Playout solutions also offers the creators features to create playlists of their content, add graphics, Logos, Animations, with full control over the content from anywhere in the world. With these revolutionary options and incredibly easy to operate pedestal, content creators can concentrate on the creation of the content rather than the distribution of it. The social media presence and websites offer additional support to advertise the content which is all an independent creator can ask.

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

DIY Repairs Live Streaming with Freedocast

Out of the innumerable applications of Live Streaming, DIY Crafts constitute a Great Deal. Live Streaming has proven to be amazingly beneficial to many of the sectors like Sports, Travel, Music, Events, Entertainment, Fashion, Cosmetic, and Entrepreneurs. Be it simple crafts like Makeup Tutorials or complicated affairs like Music events, Live Streaming has proven to be perfectly useful.

Another craft that hasn’t been discussed so far in any of our blogs is DIY Repairs of Electronic and Electric Appliances, Automobiles, etc. The craft though looks mighty complicated sometimes offer simple solutions that anyone can follow and do themselves. There are plenty of people who like to do small repairs themselves without approaching a professional. It’s the curiosity and the enthusiasm to learn new things that drive them.
There are many instances where people have been charged more for minuscule works by the professionals just because customers lack the knowledge of how to do it themselves. Though a customer possesses the time to learn, there is very little information on the internet that explains how to repair products. The sector of DIY Restorations is waiting to be explored and it could be one of the most profitable ones too. There is, of course, a danger of people hurting themselves, but a safer approach will always prove to be helpful.
Problems arising in most of the Electronic or Electric appliances or Automobiles are due to small aberrations like Wiring problems, Short Circuits, etc. These could be effortlessly fixed if one possesses the knowledge of tools of assembly, soldering, etc. The same goes for automobiles too. Power tools have made it easy for us to execute any kind of repairs in the house. Since Electronic or Electric appliances are no different, there are plenty of people who want to work with their own hands.
If a streamer can explain the disassembling and assembling of the appliance along with the means of fixing it, the audience is sure to follow. The only setback is with the camera angles and the lighting.  Perfect lighting is required for the job to be explained right. Some product repairs though can be shown using one camera, many of them require different views for them to be explained understandably. If this can be managed, there are myriad problems that can be sought and explained.
With live streaming devices like Freedocast Pro, since all the live stream videos are archived via the DVR feature, the videos can be reworked and posted later to increase the viewership. With perfect planning and execution, live stream of DIY Repairs can be profitable to the upcoming streamers.

Monday, 24 June 2019

Business Collaborations: Another Unexplored Sector of Live Streaming

Live Streaming has benefitted some of the most unconventional sectors of the free market. The usage of live streaming in Travel industries, Live Video Blogging, Live News Streaming, Book Reviewing, Music Industry, Magic Shows, Business, Religious sectors, and plenty of other divisions have already been explored.
Getting deeper into the Business sectors, we have explained the concepts like Live Contests and Giveaways. Another such concept is Business Collaborations which is aimed at aiding the Businesses. Just as businesses can boost sales using live streaming to organize Contests and Giveaways, business collaborations offer a better prologue to hype the audience’s interest.

Collaborations between businesses are usually made to boost sales and reputation. One business that is customarily less / equally reputed than the other initiates a collaboration to improve itself through a better- known brand. The other business either endorses the former one either for a fee or sells the products along with their products boosting the sales of both.
This strategy mutually benefits both businesses. These kinds of collaborations allow the businesses to promote their product through live streaming and by offering the collaborated product as a combo, an immediate boost in sales might be observed. A better plan of action would be to combine products that benefit the audience best. As sales go, discounts go way further in sales improvement than any other.
Another idea that can work is to make these offers limited to the time of the live stream. This piques the audience’ interest along with bringing forth the “Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)”. A common problem with this game plan is that the websites must be able to handle a significant rise in the traffic. Many e-commerce businesses often underestimate the damage that is caused by a sudden rise in traffic. Not only do websites become irresponsive but this generates negativity in the customers that are difficult to transpire. Given, these complications are taken care of, this might become one of the most successful propositions to boost product sales.
The preceding publicity works can be managed through social media platforms and other marketing techniques. Several techniques to extend the reach of live streams have been discussed in the past. Following these techniques can not only improve the number of potential future customers, but the scale of savings can also make them loyal to your business. Read our article How to Advertise your Pre-planned Live Streaming Event on Social Media (link) to become knowledgeable about the basic free advertising techniques.

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Live Contests and Giveaways can Boost your Product Sales

Live streaming has brought a revolutionary change in the technological pace. It had brought the entire media and marketing to the hands of a commoner cutting off the link between the established popular channels and Marketers. The grounds have now shifted to social media platforms where people spend most of their time. and this is where live streaming is making its mark giving people the info it needs in the space that they feel most comfortable in.

While the question of offering the best content to the users has been answered several times before, a better way to engage customers, drive traffic or sell your product is to organize Live contests and Giveaways that make the users want to take part. Anyone who has been familiar with the most basic of marketing strategies is knowledgeable of the fact that free stuff will sell.
Any product big or small, if launched graciously on a splendid platform in all its grandeur is bound to make noise until a significant number of bad reviews kill it. But, if the product is even slightly close to being good, it will make its mark in the market and will withstand competition for a long time. What about the products that cannot be launched majestically?
There are plenty of products in the market no one knew a thing about when they were launched but made billions after they’ve been launched because of their usefulness. Fortunately, those circumstances are no longer viable, and any product can now be launched and can be exposed to a small audience in the online world. But launching alone won’t sell products. People must use your product and give their feedback of it so that other people can be inspired by it and buy. Like no other time in history, user reviews have been carrying more weight to a product’s marketability than the company’s brand name or its history.
Product Giveaways are the best way to gain these when the product is known to a limited number of audiences. Setting up a Live Stream Video, explaining the product and giving away the samples to the users who comment first or are more engaged in the video is the best way to do this. Their feedback will add value to the product that might grant a spectacular boost to your product/ brand.
After the brand has been established and the product is quite popular, a contest might help a boost in sales. Orchestrating a live stream where you conduct a contest urging users to either buy your product so that they can win something or win the product by answering something, will be a great marketing move. This can be organized in the infancy of the product launch too but since the audience number will be minimal, gaining a significant boost will be tough. The Contest can be held in the site or elsewhere offline and the announcement can be done in live too.
While the contest or giveaway live stream might help you to gain a boost in sales, it is pertinent that the live stream gathers more users for it to be a success. Advertising adequately to gather more audience is as important as the contest or giveaway itself. Check out our article on Advertising to make your live stream even more successful.

Friday, 7 June 2019

Live Contests and Giveaways can Boost your Product Sales

Live streaming has brought a revolutionary change in the technological pace. It had brought the entire media and marketing to the hands of a commoner cutting off the link between the established popular channels and Marketers. The grounds have now shifted to social media platforms where people spend most of their time. and this is where live streaming is making its mark giving people the info it needs in the space that they feel most comfortable in.

While the question of offering the best content to the users has been answered several times before, a better way to engage customers, drive traffic or sell your product is to organize Live contests and Giveaways that make the users want to take part. Anyone who has been familiar with the most basic of marketing strategies is knowledgeable of the fact that free stuff will sell.
Any product big or small, if launched graciously on a splendid platform in all its grandeur is bound to make noise until a significant number of bad reviews kill it. But, if the product is even slightly close to being good, it will make its mark in the market and will withstand competition for a long time. What about the products that cannot be launched majestically?
There are plenty of products in the market no one knew a thing about when they were launched but made billions after they’ve been launched because of their usefulness. Fortunately, those circumstances are no longer viable, and any product can now be launched and can be exposed to a small audience in the online world. But launching alone won’t sell products. People must use your product and give their feedback of it so that other people can be inspired by it and buy. Like no other time in history, user reviews have been carrying more weight to a product’s marketability than the company’s brand name or its history.
Product Giveaways are the best way to gain these when the product is known to a limited number of audiences. Setting up a Live Stream Video, explaining the product and giving away the samples to the users who comment first or are more engaged in the video is the best way to do this. Their feedback will add value to the product that might grant a spectacular boost to your product/ brand.
After the brand has been established and the product is quite popular, a contest might help a boost in sales. Orchestrating a live stream where you conduct a contest urging users to either buy your product so that they can win something or win the product by answering something, will be a great marketing move. This can be organized in the infancy of the product launch too but since the audience number will be minimal, gaining a significant boost will be tough. The Contest can be held in the site or elsewhere offline and the announcement can be done in live too.
While the contest or giveaway live stream might help you to gain a boost in sales, it is pertinent that the live stream gathers more users for it to be a success. Advertising adequately to gather more audience is as important as the contest or giveaway itself. Check out our article on Advertising to make your live stream even more successful.

Monday, 20 May 2019

“Ask Me Anything Sessions” – Take it up a Notch Through Freedocast Pro Live Streaming Platform

One of the many benefits of Live Streaming is the enhanced interaction of Live Streamers with their audience. Be it a Live Learning session, a Workout, or a Live Interview, Freedocast’s Live Chat option will make audience interaction better than ever.
It is not uncommon for us to see actresses and celebrities conducting an “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) sessions on their Instagram or Facebook pages. Users will be asking some questions in chat and celebrities will answer them instantaneously on video. This works great with trivia and with topics that require just verbal explanations. Even if the video is available, the level of clarity that can be achieved using a smartphone would not prove adequate for purposes where a great level of detail is required.
There are live streams that require explanations through various means like charts, figures, videos, etc. It is nearly impossible to conduct AMA sessions for streams like these where vocals are good, but the video is rusty. This complication can be overcome by using a high-resolution video camera but then arises the problem of gaining the input and streaming the video. One can use software to stream but the third-party software might be unreliable. This is where live streaming devices come in. Live streaming devices like Freedocast lets you connect a high-resolution camera and a microphone to the device and streams it directly on your set destinations.
Before jumping into how live streaming devices assist, let us see what kind of topics require a high-resolution video and audio and how live streaming devices are beneficial in this.
Live Online Tutoring
Live Online Tutoring of subjects requires a session where a tutor is required to clear his doubts on the spot. Some subjects require elaborate solutions, charts, diagrams, or other means in order for the learner to understand better. These necessitate the streamer to zoom in on the diagrams or change the screens in order to explain better. Some explanations demand video analogies for better understanding. For these, a Smartphone with a Camera is never adequate.

Corporate Interactive Sessions

A President of a Large Organization doesn’t often gain a chance to interact with the employees. “Ask me Anything” sessions help bring out the morale of the employees and is the best way to exchange ideas. Significant announcements that deliver good news to the employees or the company can be announced through these sessions by the President or the CEO of the company.
As mentioned, Live Streaming Devices like Freedocast Pro would work wonders for these tasks. The high-resolution camera and the microphone makes up for the a/v clarity. The device can stream directly to the select social media platforms and RTMP URLs without extra effort. The options can be selected using the Freedocast Pro App. “How To Go Live On Facebook Using Freedocast”
Freedocast Platform allows live chat sessions for the streamers to answer all the questions promptly and in detail through the device. The platform even allows Video embedding, Branding, Geo Restriction, Password Protection, Live DVR, VOD Archive, and Ad Integration making it easier for the streamers to get their message across. The archival allows them to share the videos after the live stream creating a buzz for an extended amount of time.
Check out Freedocast Live Streaming Device and Platform for all the features available. Sign up for a Free Trial to experience the best professional live streaming platform for 7 days. Click the below link and fill in the details.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Repurposing Live Videos is Great Way to Extend your Reach

Creating a great live stream video requires plenty of time and energy. The setting up of equipment, lighting, sound, not to mention the research that goes into preparing your material, the practice it takes to present the content right and the actual presentation is an overwhelming amount of work that cannot be easily reproduced. And all of this work goes to waste if the live videos you make are not recorded and repurposed to use later.

Repurposing a live stream video means using the recorded live stream video to promote your future live streams later. If you have great content in your live stream, you can divide the video into bits and share them on social media platforms. Post-event marketing is as important as pre-event marketing. We have discussed methods of increasing the audience reach by promoting your event online for weeks before the live-event in our previous article “How to Advertise your Pre-Planned Live Streaming Event on Social Media”.
This brings the audience to your event and after the stream, the video will not be available anywhere except the platform on which you streamed which restricts your reach of a new audience after the event. Repurposing lets you make use of this situation by letting you reach a new audience after the event which in turn will reflect in your future streams.
Platforms like Freedocast offer features like Live DVR which records and archives live streams in your account. The audience who have already watched your live stream can open the video and watch it again. You can also share the link in social media platforms to gain a new audience, but it wouldn’t provide the audience with the faintest idea of what the video is about. Besides, all the latest studies suggest that the audience are more interested to watch short 2-3-minute videos than an hour-long one.
So, it makes more sense to separate the best sections of your video and share them separately on various media. You can also upload the summary of the video by trimming it while making sure to maintain the gist of your content. You can also turn it into a podcast and share it on various podcast websites to increase the rich. Making a blog post on the content explained in the video and sharing it on your blog or on guest posting sites will also help you reach more people. Make sure you inform the audience of your next live streaming event or direct them to your website or channel.
Doing all these regularly will certainly increase your audience reach and helps earn the much-needed attention to your content. So, the next time you plan your live stream, plan it such a way that you can use bits of content later.

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Live Video Analytics that can Help Make your Live Stream Video Better

Analytics help you gain a better insight into what among your streams is working and what is not. The various features offered by the streaming service provider, Google analytics or social media are helpful but some among these features are more helpful than others. These features help you create a stream with minute accuracy to attract more audience and keep them engaged. We have listed some of these features in Freedocast that can help build better streams. Check them out.
Total Unique Viewers
Viewers from distinct devices are counted as unique users. The number of Unique Users/ Viewers is prominent in live streaming and an improvement in this number with each stream means your stream is attracting more audience each time.

Minutes Watched

There are two types of data in minutes watched- total minutes watched and average minutes watched. The total minutes watched gives you the sum of minutes watched by all the viewers in a stream. This is a marketing asset and can let you decide the length of the streams.
The average duration watched gives us the average time per user which can help tailor the stream for the individual. The engagement factor of the stream can be assessed through this feature and depending on the average time a user spent on the stream you can decide if the stream is working or needs improvement.

Max Live Viewers

The number of live viewers at any given point of time also gives us an assessment of the content in the stream. The decrease or increase in the number of viewers from time to time lets you assess the content.
Any stream given enough advertising gains plenty of users at the beginning, but the continuation of the number till the end of the stream is a difficult thing to achieve. The number achieved for every stream and the number of live viewers that are present at any point of time in the stream both lets us know the audience engagement. If the video can be divided into segments the parts with an increased number of live viewers can be cut and posted separately thus improving your social media reach.

Geography-wise details

Freedocast has a geo-restriction option that is helpful in restricting content in some regions. This option on its own isn’t helpful except when you are dealing with the legality of the content. But with the Geography wise analytics one can evaluate the relevant content in a specific region and adjust their content to suit the viewers from that region making it more engaging and profitable at the same time. And with the Geo-Restriction Option, one can restrict the content in other regions thus saving bandwidth.

User Interaction

Though this feature may not be among the analytics, it can give the streamers better insights into how interested the users are in the specific topic of your content. The Live Chat option that helps the streamers interact with the users and vice versa, assists the academic streamers to measure their success. video makers that are introducing new products or explaining about them also can make their streams better with the types of questions that are asked. The interactions can also make the explanations better and if the streamer is the inventor it might give him new ideas about the product making it even more productive.
So, the next time you look at the analytics to see how your stream was, be sure to check out all these features and use them to your advantage.

Thursday, 28 March 2019

How Live Streaming is Going to Play a Game-Changing Role in Indian General Elections 2019

It is safe to say that Political Campaigns have gone digital in the 2014 Elections itself. The dominant portion of the audience received positive news about the Prime Ministerial candidate on social media and other digital platforms which was a great influence. The role of digital campaigning in the winning of the party that is currently in power cannot be ignored.

Since then, Indian media has gone massive changes and we witnessed the rapid shift from satellite to the digital world. What we currently are observing in the social media promotion of political ideas is a result of that shift. Even regional parties are now campaigning online concurrently to campaigning directly. The fact that India has the largest youth percentage is known to every individual. And it is now obvious that the majority of them now hold a Smart device that in one way or another connects them to the online world.
In a way, this is an added advantage to the political parties since reaching an audience that can help change the system has become frantically easy. But there is a disadvantage lurking in the shadows. The disadvantage of misinformation that can confuse the audience that is on the edge and this sect of the audience are what decides the future of a candidate. Since there are forces that genuinely try to mislead the population with bad information about the candidate and since there is no way of verifying the information it can lead to the voter making a bad choice directly leading to the failure of a potential candidate.
This flood of misinformation cannot be avoided since neither the authorities nor the party candidates can actually control the information on the internet. So, even an image that endorses a particular candidate comes out first, an image emphasizing his failures might gain more reach if more people believe it. Websites even allow paid campaigning to improve the reach which can greatly vary the end result. Both Images and offline videos fall into this category which makes them both a liability more than a powerful tool.
Then how can a candidate reach his audience without his message getting twisted and tampered?
This is where live streaming helps. It can become one of the most powerful tools at times when every information can be easily tampered. Political candidates can use direct live streaming to reach the audience on social media. Be it a massive party gathering, or a minor press meet, or an interview to make people better understand the leader/ parties’ motives, or Live Streaming Government Meetings to increase transparency, live streaming is your best bet.
Though Mainstream media covers most of these events, it is possible that the users might be unable to turn on the television and watch the entire event given their busy lives. And, if there is a piece of breaking news that involves better news than the event, the channels might switch to showing that instead of covering the event live.
Political parties have been trying to live stream events to social media using the live options in Facebook, Instagram etc. But these live streams usually involve using a Smartphone camera instead of a professional camera feed. The video and audio quality will be at their lowest and can make the audience lose interest within a few minutes of going live.
The solution to this is the usage of live streaming devices and platforms like Freedocast that let you air professional video camera feed directly to the live audience. While the device lets you stream both audio and video at a High Resolution, the platform lets the streamers to broadcast the video live to more than one social media platform simultaneously reducing the effort by more than half. Freedocast platform lets the campaigners promote their own sign by including their official logo on the stream. The availability of features like scrolling text enhances the clarity of the message.
Since the majority of voters are active in social media, the live broadcast can be promoted accordingly to reach most of them increasing their involvement. Live broadcasts carry another advantage which is making sure the customers are getting the right message. One cannot modify or tamper with the message in live streams which enhances the chances of leaders creating the right influence on their audience.
The devices are easy to operate too. All it takes is the device and the input from an audio/video source. Depending on the bandwidth necessary, a subscription to the platform is taken which gives access to the device and the platform’s features through an easily operated App.
The usage of live streaming devices is currently at the base of its evolution and so, whichever party update itself and makes the best use of it can get ahead of others easily. Check out our other articles that lets you better understand the benefits of live streaming in government and other sectors. The “How to” section can help you gain a better insight into the modus operandi of the device and the platform.


Friday, 22 March 2019

YuppTV bags the digital broadcast rights for VIVO IPL 2019 for Australia, Continental Europe, and South East Asia

  • Cricket fans in Australia, Continental Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka can catch all the action live on YuppTV
  • YuppTV also acquired rights for RoW: including South & Central America, Central & South East Asia 
New Delhi - March 22, 2019: YuppTV, the world’s leading OTT platform for South-Asian content, has acquired the digital broadcasting rights for Vivo IPL 2019 outside of India. With this development, cricket fans across the globe can catch all the action of Season 12 of the world’s biggest T20 tournament, right as it unfolds.

YuppTV is bringing the highly engaging action to all of its existing and new users in Australia, Continental Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and RoW including South & Central America and Central & South East Asia.

Commenting on the announcement, Mr. Uday Reddy, Founder & CEO, YuppTV, said, “We are glad to acquire the digital broadcasting rights for the IPL 2019 and would be enabling on-the-go-access to all the action unfolding in the Season 12 of IPL. We are determined to provide our global audience with convenient and real-time access to their favorite sporting action, through a wide gamut of internet-enabled devices.”

As one of the biggest and most-awaited cricketing extravaganzas, Season 12 of Indian Premier League will finally hit the stands on March 23. Promising an enthralling season, the 8 teams will be headed against each other in a total of 60 matches. The season will open with the defending champions, Chennai Super Kings taking on Royal Challenger Bangalore.

Cricket fans in Australia, Continental Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and RoW including South & Central America and Central & South East Asia can catch all the action from IPL 2019 on YuppTV. The may log on to or access the same via the YuppTV app on smart TVs, smart Blu-ray players, streaming media players, gaming consoles, smartphones, and tablets.

About YuppTV:

YuppTV is one of the world’s largest internet-based TV and On-demand service provider for South Asian content, offering more than 200 TV channels and 2000+ movies in India. YuppTV, recently received funding from Emerald Media, a Pan-Asian platform established by leading global investment firm KKR for investing in the media and entertainment sector, wherein Emerald Media acquired a significant minority stake in the company for US$50mn. YuppTV had earlier raised its Series Around of funding from Poarch Creek Indian Tribe of Alabama.

YuppTV is currently ranked #1 Internet Pay TV platform for Indians living abroad and the largest Internet TV platform from premium content availability in India. YuppTV is the most downloaded Indian SmartTV app and it also boasts of 13 million mobile downloads with 4.0 user rating.

Visit for more information.

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Live Streaming Vacation with Freedocast Pro

Planning to go somewhere? Stay connected with your family and friends in real time all the time. Share your entire Vacation to your family or to the world.
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We live in a world of communication. Any information can be transferred in microseconds from one end to the other end of the world. Live video has taken over the world by a storm and now we can watch a person doing his own thing live from any corner of the world. The live relay was once an expensive affair and was restricted to Sports broadcasters and News Channels. The position is now changed such that any person with a camera is now able to broadcast something he wants to share to the entire world through live streaming.
So, when you go on a vacation to the Bahamas, or to the Eastern Countries like India or China, you can make your family and friends virtually experience everything that you see. If you are a travel blogger, live streaming will give you an edge over offline travel blogging videos since your viewers will watch everything you see with you. Imagine your Family, friends or online viewers being able to watch underwater videos along with you in real time. Imagine them experiencing the same awe that you experience when they are watching the view from the edge of Grand Canyon.
For a task this strenuous and quality necessitating, Smartphones would not suffice. There are plenty of Smartphones that can deliver the best quality video, but Smartphones lack specific features like minimizing shakiness that allows for a great viewing experience and lasts for a long time. For this purpose, the usage of HD resolution cameras and Go Pro Cameras is highly recommended. Though a bit expensive, these cameras deliver a high-quality video that keeps the audience engaged.
With live streaming devices like Freedocast Pro, one can directly stream the content in real time online simultaneously to the social media networks and to personal websites. Live broadcasting devices paired with platforms allow seamless streaming with adaptive bitrates helping you reach the audience even with the lowest of bandwidth speeds. On the other hand, they allow branding which can help you get into the spotlight. The platforms come at affordable costs and make it possible to achieve maximum reach. Features like Ad integration and password protection make it easier to monetize too.

So, the next time you go on vacation you can take your family, friends and all your online fan base along with you virtually. Sign up below for the free trial to check out all the features available on Freedocast.

Monday, 11 February 2019

How to Profitably Live Stream when you are Camera Shy

Professional live streaming requires good equipment and plenty of preparation beforehand. But all the preparation would only be advantageous when the presentation is done right. For a live stream to be a success, the content in hand must be presented by the person with the right amount of zeal and emotion that resonates with the audience. For this, the presenter must exude confidence and grace which is not a default for most people.

Plenty of people have good ideas to present to the world but are camera shy. Be it their inferiority about their appearance, accent, or their manner of speaking, speaking in front of a camera is no less a feat than speaking in front of a crowd. One must possess dangerously high levels of confidence to overcome this and speak properly and get their message across. Due to this reason, people often shy away from presenting their ideas or try to find ways that help them make it work which usually takes longer than intended thereby making them lose interest or someone else presenting it before they could. If you are among the people mentioned above, here are a few tips on how to profitably live stream when you are camera shy.

Get a presenter

Hire someone if you can afford it. Ask your friends to do it when you cannot afford to hire. A lot of content on the internet goes unnoticed because of bad presentations. Presenters who can present the content beautifully although cannot understand it might be able to bring the exuberance necessary to keep the audience engaged. If you can get a presenter that can both understand and put it out there gracefully, then you are in luck.


Practice vigorously until you perfect your presentation to the second. There is nothing that can help you overcome the fear of failure than practice. Live streams are terrifying in their basic sense- There are no retakes, editing is not allowed, and anything you do stays on the internet forever. The important element to know about this is that mistakes are unavoidable and the only thing a streamer can do is to minimize the number of mistakes and improvise as you go along.

Use slide deck cards

Slide deck cards are a great idea if you are not an orator. Slide deck cards give you material when you forget something and let you move on. PowerPoint Presentations come under this category too. But it is pertinent that you do not spend too much time looking at the computer screen rather than a camera.

Look your best

It is known for a fact that good dressing can invoke confidence. Though it may not be applicable to everyone, most of us feel confident when we are dressed in our best. So, instead of streaming live in your pajamas, try to dress well and show up in front of the camera with sufficient lighting. But make sure it suits what you are presenting though.
Alongside these, keeping backup equipment ready and devising alternatives for obvious mistakes can help you live stream confidently.